Cross-border public transport services database now published

A database relating to the recently published study on Cross-border public transport (CBPT) is now accessible online.

The data package contains geodata representing the routes of cross-border public transport services across the EU in the format of shapefiles and GTFS-timetables of the services running along these routes. The dataset can be downloaded on this webpage.

The study being complemented by this database presents an inventory of CBPT routes and services in 2019/2020. All information including the availability of these services has been compiled in a webviewer that can be found via this link.

As shown by the analysis, availability of services differs largely across the EU. Some border areas do not have any CBPT, which is central to facilitating cross-border activities, at their disposal despite potential demand. Most obstacles are the result of administrative issues, some others are more related to legal framework or other issues. The study does not only analyse obstacles and solutions related to the provision of CBPT, but also highlights the benefits of these services for residents living in border areas and offers some policy pointers for stakeholders and administrations as well as a toolbox with insights and guidance.

Cross-Border Public Transports