Call for statements - Africa-Europe D4D Hub Multi-Stakeholder Forum

The African Union – European Union (AU-EU) Digital for Development (D4D) Hub is facilitating the first Africa-Europe D4D Hub Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF) on 10 February 2022 with the aim of promoting dialogue and collaboration between African and European D4D actors.

In the lead-up to this important event, which will be held online, we are calling for citizens from both continents to share their perspectives on how to build an inclusive digital economy and society that leaves no one behind.

Interested? This is your opportunity to have a say on the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation in the context of Africa-Europe relations. Share your good practices, lessons learned, and innovative approaches for joint action.

More information here.

Call for statements
Digital4Development D4D Hub D4D civil society EU-Africa