SECCo2: On-line platform facilitating cross-border cooperation in two macro-regions just launched

As a continuation of the Crossing the Borders research project (SECCo1) and with the support of the Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF) CESCI (as Lead Partner), AEBR, CESCI Balkans and ISIG have developed an on-line platform facilitating cross-border cooperation in the territory of the Danube Strategy (EUSDR) and the Adriatic-Ionian Strategy (EUSAIR) – with a special focus on youth. The platform offers news on cross-border cooperation, cross-border events, a project partner search tool and a CBC tool-kit (e-learning materials, resource map, digital library, inventory of best practices).

The project is connected to Priority Area 10 "Institutional Capacity and Cooperation" of EUSDR under the action: "To facilitate the administrative cooperation of communities living in border regions".

The new platform is available at the following link:

EUSDR macro-regional strategies on-line platform SECCo institutional matters