Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents CATF Recommendations on How the TTC can Harvest the Potential of Clean Technologies This paper provides recommendations on how the EU and the US can align approaches to scale up clean tech together, thus reaping the benefits of the…
Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents TTC WG2 Infographic on Interoperability for Infrastructure Rollout (e-mobility) Download a copy of the infographic here
Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents TTC WG2 Report of the Industry Workshop on pre-normative recommendations for smart charging and vehicle-to-grid integration The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) of the U.S. Department of Energy are leading the work…
Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents E3G & Carbon Free Europe Recommendations on Centering Climate in the TTC
Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents ITI's Priority Outcomes for the May 2022 U.S.-EU TTC Ministerial Meeting The global tech trade association ITI outlines these six policy outcomes as priorities for the upcoming TTC meeting in May. …
Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents TBI Transatlantic Business Initiative: Transatlantic Agenda for Trade and Investment The Transatlantic Business Initiative (TBI) published its position on a Transatlantic Agenda for Trade and Investment with concrete proposals to…
Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents The Transatlantic Consumers Dialogue recommendations for WG2 Established in 1998, the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) is a forum of U.S. and EU consumer organisations which develops and agrees on joint…
Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents AmCham EU: priorities for the TTC on climate and clean tech AmCham EU speaks for American companies committed to Europe on trade, investment, and competitiveness issues. We believe that the Trade and…
Working Group 2 - Climate and Clean Tech Documents Orgalim priorities for future EU-US trade relations Please find below the Orgalim priorities on Climate. You can download our full position paper on future EU-US trade relations further below. …