Second Ministerial Meeting, Paris-Saclay, 15-16 May 2022

The EU and the US met in Paris on 15-16 May 2022 for the second ministerial-level meeting of the Council, reaffirming their close cooperation to address global trade and technology challenges in line with their shared commitment to democracy, freedom and human rights. Both parties reiterated the central role of the Trade and Technology Council for the renewed transatlantic partnership, which has already served to coordinate joint measures being taken by the EU and the US in face of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

At the occasion the EU and US adopted a Joint Statement, agreeing on:

1. Support to Ukraine

  • Further cooperate on sanctions against Russia in the area of export controls, including on advanced technologies
  • Fight against disinformation, foreign information manipulation and interference
  • Step up efforts to protect human rights defenders online and by addressing the issues related to internet shutdowns, blocking or filtering of services for political motives
  • Continue protecting fundamental rights online such as the freedom of expression and the integrity of information, in line with the Declaration for the Future of the Internet
  • Identify measures that will expand trade with, and investment in, Ukraine

2. Secure supply chains

Advance the resilience of transatlantic supply chains in key sectors for the green and digital transition, including by:

  • Diversifying supply chains for rare earth magnets
  • Promoting transparency in and diversification of the solar supply chain
  • Developing a common early warning and monitoring mechanism on semiconductor value chains to better anticipate disruptions

3. Emerging technologies

  • Establish a Strategic Standardisation Information (SSI) mechanism to promote and defend common interests in international standardisation activities
  • Develop shared methodologies for measuring Artificial Information (AI) trustworthiness and risks
  • Develop a roadmap on future communication technologies beyond 5G and 6G
  • Strengthen cooperation on key aspects of platform governance, such as content moderation, algorithmic amplifications, data access for researchers and the protection of minors

4. Sustainability

  • Closely cooperate to facilitate the dissemination of green goods, including closer cooperation on green public procurement
  • Align approaches on greenhouse gas lifecycle assessments of products
  • Jointly work to increase the uptake of electro-mobility and promoting stable vehicle-to-grid integration
  • Establish a Trade and Labour Dialogue, with wide civil society involvement
The EU and US TTC representatives welcomed by French hosts
EU-U.S. Joint Statement of the Trade and Technology Council, 16 May 2022, Paris-Saclay, France.
(395.41 KB - PDF)
TTC Ministerial Paris-Saclay