Objective of the survey
In the framework of the Urban Agenda for the European Union, the Security in Public Spaces Partnership is constructing a framework for a self-assessment tool on security and safety dedicated to the local authorities of the Member States. The long-term ambition is to pave the way for the creation of a joint dashboard with which urban authorities would be able to reflect on their own status, progress made or weaknesses to overcome. By indicating in what fields European urban authorities are active in, the tool could promote good practices and encourage exchanges across cities in Europe.
As a part of this, the Partnership has compiled a survey to collect information about the current security assessment tools and data the European cities and regions are using or developing at the moment. The key findings of the collected data will be concluded into a report, which will serve as a background information for further analysis on the subject and finally as a basis for the conceptual framework.
The questionnaire consists of the three following topics:
1) Existing data: What kind of safety and security related data is at the local authorities’ disposal in your city/region?
2) Tools: Which tools the local authorities are currently using or developing to manage safety and security related data in your city/region?
3) Needs: What kind of gaps or needs for development the local authorities have regarding the assessment of safety and security in your city/region?
Participate in the survey here!
Read more on this and other Actions in the Partnership's Action Plan!
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