The SRIDA Industry Roundtable Discussion on the strategic orientation of the AI, data, robotics 2025-2027


The SRIDA Industry Roundtable Discussion is an opportunity for industry leaders and innovators who are interested in the business development around AI, data and robotics (ADR), to directly contribute wit needs and opportunities to shape the strategic orientations of the SRIDA (strategic research innovation and deployment agenda) for ADR topics in the 2025-27 work programme.

This interactive session serves as an opportunity for companies to learn about the partnership’s comprehensive vision and ‘big ticket’ themes from the SRIDA, as well as gather vital insights fro(BDVA, CLAIRE, ELLIS, EurAI, euRoboticsm Adra member, founding organisations (BDVA, CLAIRE, ELLIS, EurAI, euRobotics) and companies who develop or deploy ADR technologies that want to engage and contribute to the process.

The key question to stakeholders will assess the main challenges in achieving global leadership in climate neutral, circular and digitised industrial and digital value chains and deploying ADR to increase competitiveness and accelerate digital and green  transformation in accordance with the Digital Decade

The ADR partnership aims to enable a responsible AI-powered green digital transformation for an attractive, sustainable, prosperous, secure, and resilient multicultural society, based on European values, with the highest living standard in the world.

To achieve this vision, it is necessary to have a strong multi-stakeholder ecosystem pulling in the same direction capable of developing and deploying next-generation technology in accordance with society’s values at an increasing speed, scale, and complexity, creating impact and offering new business opportunities.

Key Objectives:

  • Present the latest version of the Strategic Research, Innovation, and Deployment Agenda (SRIDA).
  • Engage in an interactive discussion to gather inputs, suggestions, and perspectives from Adra/FO industry members.
  • Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among industry leaders and stakeholders.
  • Shape the future direction of the SRIDA to align with industry needs and advancements.

Who Should Attend:
This roundtable discussion would like to encourage engagement from all corners of industry (corporates, midcaps, SME) but is open to all actors in the fields of AI, Data, and Robotics including decision-makers, researchers, and innovators.

Participation in the SRIDA Industry Roundtable Discussion is free, but registration is required. Kindly register through the provided link to secure your spot and contribute to the shaping of the SRIDA's future.

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10:00am Welcome and opening comments

Short introduction on the contents of the session and brief introduction to Adra and the ADR partnership

Speakers and panelists:

  • Cécile Huet Head of Unit Robotics & AI Innovation and Excellence at European Commission
  • Bjoern Juretzki, Head of Unit "Data Policy and Innovation" at European Commission

10:10am Adra strategic position statement towards next SRIDA.

This section will detail the journey that we have been on to arrive at the roadmap and will set out the process for the final SRIDA over the next few months. The position statement itself will identify key ambitions and key themes that will influence the 2025-27.

Speakers and panelists:

  • Fredrik Heintz, Professor of Computer Science at Linköping University/VP research Adra
  • Edward Curry, Professor Data Science, University of Galway Insight SFI Research Center for Data Analytics, Director Adra
  • Nabil Belbachir, Research Director NORCE Norwegian Research Centre

10:30 Roundtable discussion

Strategic priorities and reflections from industry members and stakeholders. This session is dedicated to a roundtable discussion that will reflect on the SRIDA’s capacity to maintain and strengthen Europe’s industrial leadership in robotics, computer vision, big data and Trustworthy AI technologies, focusing on how to galvanize industrial growth and new business opportunities.

4 key questions:

  1. What is missing from developing an agile and secure single market and infrastructure for dataand trustworthy AI-services.
  2. Are we missing a coherent industrial policy that encourages human-centric, AI-enhanced and data-power robotics to attain societal objectives such as green economy (recycling, remanufacturing, agri-food, inspection), ageing well (healthcare and assisted living), welfare at work (HRI, HRC, agri-food, dirty, dull, and dangerous tasks), ethics in robotics (safety).
  3. How can we overcome the complexity and cost of creating deployable systems based on data knowledge and the availability of pre-competitive big data sets to train AI models.
  4. Is there an opportunity to leveraging European strategic autonomy in ADR technology and the use of ADR technology to support strategic autonomy in other areas, e.g., to optimize production cost and relocate production to EC.

Speakers and panelists:

  • Philip Piatkiewicz, Secretary-General, Adra (Moderator)
  • Marina Bill, Global head of marketing and sales robotics, ABB
  • Rich Walker, Director, Shadow robot company
  • Francesco Ferro, CEO, PAL Robotics
  • Michael Pfeiffer, AI research, Bosch
  • Dr. Robert Bruckmeier, Department head AI based car functions, AI network, BMW Group
  • Karel Koutoun, founder, Green0meter
  • Peter Sarlin, founder, SIloAI.


11:00 Q&A session with audience

An opportunity for the audience to ask their own questions to roundtable participants.

11:27 Summary and close by Philip Piatkiewicz

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Adrae BDVA CLAIRE ELLIS EurAI euRobotics