European AI Excellence and Trust in the World @ EXPO Dubai: Thank you and Follow-up

On 15 and 16 March 2022, the European Commission through its International Outreach project for a Human-Centric Approach to Artificial Intelligence ( organised "European AI Excellence and Trust in the World" at World EXPO in Dubai 2022. Several EU Member States connected their AI related projects and artistic installations to form a European AI Walk Exhibition, initiated in the frame of the event.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to thank you for your valuable contribution and participation, be it in person or online to this event!

The human-centric approach in current global discussions on the regulation and governance of AI is central to the responsible development of trustworthy AI in the world. The building blocks we lay down today will be the foundation of our future societies.

Videos and reports from the event

For your information, the full recording of the web streaming of the High-Level Forum on the EU Vision for Trustworthy AI in the World and the Expert Workshops on a Human-Centric approach to Global Challenges – AI for Sustainability and AI for Health as well as summarizing videos are now available on the event’s webpage:

This includes a video of the AI Art Performance by artist Franz Rosati and selected video interviews with Aimee van Wynsberghe, Professor in Applied Ethics of AI at the University of Bonn; Emanuela Girardi, Founder of Pop AI; Malavika Jayaram, Executive Director of the Digital Asia Hub; Eric Xing, President of the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE; Maria Rosa Sabbatelli, Deputy Head of Unit, Service for Foreign Policy Instruments of the European Commission; and Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament, Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age (AIDA), Co-Rapporteur AI Act.

Furthermore, a report of the event will be published soon jointly with background reports with recommendations for further action from the Expert Workshops on AI for Sustainability and AI for Health.

An interactive map with details of the AI Walk will be also made available. Integrated into the EXPO2020 Archive it will remain a legacy of the activities at this edition of the World Expo, preparing for the next edition in Osaka, Japan, in 2025.

Please fill in the post-event satisfaction survey

We would be grateful if you could dedicate a couple of minutes to fill in the post-event satisfaction survey that can be accessed HERE. Your feedback as onsite participants or online attendees is very important to further improve the next events we are planning.

Next Steps: Contribute to the community

The community for the is growing! We invite you to join the community to contribute online and in future events, to the European Human-Centric approach to AI, then which will shape a common global way forward for the digital transformation of the world.

If you are not yet part of it, please sign in to the AI Alliance platform where a specific section will focus on the International Outreach and cooperation activities, while a dedicated Outreach Community is also being established.


HFL panel discussion
digital education AI skills data ethics; digital education; AI skills; artificial intelligence AI trustworthyai aiforhealth aiforsustainability ai trustworthyai aiforhealth aiforsustainability aiforall