AI as Pansophic Technology/Networks/Platforms/Machines/Systems/Algorithms

Lull’s Ars Magna and Babbage’s Analytical Engine are about the first attempts to create Artificial SuperIntelligence as a knowledge-generating Pansophic machine.

Pansophic Technology/ 

Pansophic Networks/

Pansophic Platforms/

Pansophic Machines/

Pansophic Systems/

Pansophic Algorithms

It is encyclopedic intelligent systems, universal AI, Real AI, global cyber-physical intelligence, general AI with universal master world model and master algorithm.

Or, Pansophic AI, Pansophic machines with pansophic hardware and pansophic software.

As Yann LeCun, co-recipient of Turing Award, and Chief AI Scientist at Facebook said: “Most of the knowledge in the world in the future is going to be extracted by machines and will reside in machines.”

The human mind is to create its augmentation or replacement, the Pansophic machines:

Universal AI with Master Algorithm

The diagram from Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos…

“If it exists, the master algorithm can derive all knowledge in the world — past, present, and future — from data. Inventing it would be one of the greatest advances in the history of science”. Pedro Domingos, Master Algorithm.

What is artificial superintelligence?

Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is the universally distributed hybrid human-digital intelligence endowed with general digital ontology, common world model, master algorithm and global data classification platform, and implemented as Global AI Internet.

ASI embraces Human Individual and Collective intelligence (CI), a group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of human minds, used in sociobiology, political science, crowdsourcing applications, social media, etc.

Human collective intelligence is an emergent property from the synergies among: 1) data-information-knowledge; 2) software-hardware; and 3) experts (those with new insights as well as recognized authorities) learning from feedback loops of reinforcement learning. Collective intelligence - Wikipedia

ASI also covers the "global brain" as the emerging intelligent network formed by all people on this planet, together with the computers and communication links that connect them together. An immensely complex, self-organizing and decentralized system, it is to process data-information-knowledge, make decisions, solve problems, learn new connections, discover new ideas, etc, playing the role of a collective nervous system for the whole of humanity”. The Global Brain FAQ

The Global Brain Institute/The Global Brain as the distributed intelligence emerging from the Internet

ASI is thus emerging as the integration/synthesis/synergy of human collective intelligence and exponential technologies:

specific artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning systems,

advanced robotics, cognitive robots and drones,

the Internet, internet of things,

5G, mobile internet, smart phones,

virtual and augmented reality,

additive manufacturing and 3D printing,

blockchain technology,

autonomous vehicles,


alternative energy systems,

biotechnology, digital medicine, etc.

Technology Trends - Exponential Technology Trends Defining 2019

Due to AI, a rational man is becoming a superintelligent transhuman being:

a homo sapiens + smartphone + Internet/Web/Google + World Data/Information/Knowledge + AI cloud + the IoT +…

Ontology as the base of Pansophic AI

All depends how wisely you see ontology, the ultimate root cause of human wisdom, science and technology:

the science of reality, a systematic account of the world and its key features, or the general world model,; New Mathematics of Reality: The Millennium Prize Problems in Mathematics and Physics

taxonomic hierarchies of classes, class definitions, and the subsumption relation,

the statement of a logical theory (defining a set of representational terms to associate the names of entities in the universe of discourse (e.g., classes, relations, functions, or other objects) with human-readable text describing what the names mean, and formal axioms that constrain the interpretation and well-formed use of these terms),

ontological commitments as based on the Knowledge-Level perspective,

common terminology adding no knowledge about the world,


downgrading it as “an ontology, a specification of a conceptualization”. enabling knowledge sharing and reuse and making ontological commitments.

At its best conception, ontology is an answer not only to intelligent reasoning but to universal intelligence and its ultimate “killer application”, Pansophic machines, which digital infrastructure is to be

the internet + the internet of things + 5G+ big data + AutoML platforms


Pansophism, in older usage often pansophy, is a concept of omniscience, meaning "all-knowing". In some monotheistic belief systems, a god is referred as the ultimate knowing spirit. Someone who is pansophical is someone who claims to have obtained omniscience.

It also has to do more specifically with pedagogic ideas of universal wisdom (pansophia), as it occurred in the educational system of universal knowledge proposed by John Amos Comenius, a Czech educator. "Comenius's second great interest was in furthering the Baconian attempt at the organization of all human knowledge. He became one of the leaders in the encyclopædic or pansophic movement of the seventeenth century".

Pansophic principle

The pansophic principle is one of the important principles of Comenius: that everything must be taught to everyone, as a guiding basis for education, something like universal education (Characteristica universalis).

Pansophism was a term used generally by Comenius to describe his pedagogical philosophy. His book Pansophiae prodromus (1639) was published in London with the cooperation of Samuel Hartlib. It was followed by Pansophiae diatyposis. Pansophy in this sense has been defined as ‘full adult comprehension of the divine order of things’. He aimed to set up a Pansophic College, a precursor of later academic institutes He wrote his ideas for this in a tract Via lucis, written 1641/2 in London; he had to leave because the English Civil War was breaking out, and this work was eventually printed in 1668, in Amsterdam.

The term was not original, having been applied by Bartolomeo Barbaro of Padua in his De omni scibili libri quadraginta: seu Prodromus pansophiae, from the middle of the sixteenth century.

Pansophic Freemasonry

A group within Freemasonry is called Pansophic Freemasonry.

Pansophism - Wikipedia


Kiryl Persianov's answer to To obtain intelligence, how different are the ways by human and by machine?

Real AI Manifesto: Artificial Global Intelligence (AGI)

"Whoever Creates Real Artificial Intelligence Will Rule the World"…

Universal computing ontology as applied to human minds and general AI:…


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Enviado por faiz ikramulla em Dom, 24/11/2019 - 22:11

interesting.  ruling the world may not be the outcome, an automated (truthful & just by nature) world would be better. i think of AI and AGI as "nature, automated". in other words, machines handling the BS, so humans can be naturally humans. pansophic... or what comes next... not even a machine can predict the future, with 100% accuracy and quality.