Publication of the TEIN4Citizens final project report!

With the TEIN4citizens project, the partners of the Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network (TEIN) seized the opportunity within the framework of the “Europe for citizens” programme to give citizens from cross-border regions a voice in the debate on the future of Europe. Five forums in five cross-border regions brought together over 650 citizens, politicians, NGOs and experts who discussed the challenges and priorities of cross-border cooperation and European integration in fields such as: human rights, integration of minorities, multilingualism, civil society engagement, mobility, environmental protection and borders in Europe.

The resulting ideas and recommendations were shared with citizens all across Europe by means of online surveys which allowed even more citizens to  express their opinions and wishes for future policy making at regional, national and European level.

Now we would like to share this report so that our citizens can be heard and their ideas can be implemented. This report summarizes the forum discussions as well as survey results. More detailed information about the project activities can also be found on the project website.

Please feel free to share the report within your network and don't hesitate to come back to us at if you have any comments or questions regarding the report.

TEIN4Citizens final project report
(2.67 MB - PDF)
Logo of the project TEIN4Citizens
institutional matters