Call for Papers: Sectoral Policy Innovations Facilitating Cross-Border Cooperation

Following the first workshop at Andrassy University on cross-border cooperation in Autumn 2022, this year's workshop wants to enhance the exchange of good examples and experience of cross-border coooperation to intensify learning of innovative approaches across regions and sectors.

We invite scholars and practitioners to submit papers for the workshop. Papers could answer for example

- What practices (e.g. on agreements) could be used by other sector policies to enhance cross-border cooperation?

- What practices could be transferred to other regions and border areas?

- What are potential spill-over effects between different policy fields?

- In how far matter similarities in hierarchical and/or administrative structures and culture to facilitate sectoral CBC?

- And how does this apply to cross-border public service provision?

- In how far are legal institutional forms (such as the EGTC) supporting or hindering?

- What are examples for successful transfer of functioning CBC between sectors or regions?

- What are lessons to be learnt from failures (what not to do)?

Please see attached invitation for further details.

Invitation: Call of papers for Workshop Autumn 2023
(171.53 KB - PDF)
Cross-Border Cooperation obstacles and solutions