Insights from the 19th Beyond Borders: Breakfast Debate!

The 19th edition of the Beyond Borders: Breakfast Debates took place on the morning of June 27th, 2024 tackling one of the most important and frequently discussed matters of cross-border cooperation: How to Enhance Cross-Border Public Transport for a More Integrated EU.

The panellists included representatives from the European Commission, regional transport associations, and international relations offices, all bringing their expertise to discuss and address the challenges and solutions for improving Cross-Border Public Transport (CBPT), as the webinar was moderated by our esteemed host Lord Andrew Lansley.

First to speak was Marlies Peters of DG REGIO, who highlighted that transport is one of the three most common cross-border obstacles, along with employment in the labor market and healthcare. She emphasized that the quality of life for border citizens heavily relies on connectivity to cross-border networks. Marlies discussed DG REGIO's efforts to overcome these transport obstacles, focusing on three main initiatives: b-solutions, funding through the Interreg Programmes, and a legal proposal facilitating cross-border solutions.

The session featured a video testimonial from two Youth4Cooperation: Cross-Border Ambassadors, Ninon Paulissen and Simon Jyrkäs. They proposed solutions to the cross-border public transport obstacles they have come across in their lives.

Ms. Hanna Kroll, Project Manager at Aachen Transport Association, was the next speaker. She highlighted the current state of cross-border public transport (CBPT) in Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Hanna presented the most significant challenges and explained how their department collaborates with various actors to improve cross-border services. She showcased the Euregioticket, a prime example of cross-border cooperation, which is valid for buses and trains throughout the entire region.

a screenshot of the 19th breakfast debate with the panellists

As discussion revolved around good practices of cross-border cooperation, it was Paolo Dileno, Project Manager at the Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES), who presented two projects of significant value in the connectivity of Central Europe. The CONNECT2CE and SUSTANCE projects brought together bus and train operators from across the border to sign an agreement, create an integrated e-ticket system and ultimately drastically improve the available public transport services.

Marcin Wójcik, Policy Officer, DG MOVE, stated the importance of infrastructure in creating cross-border flows and connected this with the newly revised TEN-T regulation which comes with infrastructure standards which will gradually improve the connectivity of member states. 

Last, it was Sandra Sodini, Director of the Office for International relations, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, who focused on the necessary actions and measures to convince frequent commuters to use public transport rather than private vehicles. Sandra stressed the importance of data analysis in order to better understand the demand of citizens and address them to the network of stakeholders.

The session continued by addressing participants' questions submitted in the chat.

The two poll questions that were featured on the debate were:

1. How can commuters be encouraged to use cross-border public transport instead of private vehicles? 

2. What is preventing more and better cross-border public transport (CBPT) services?

Watch the replay here

Download all the presentations below!

19th Breakfast Debate - Hanna Kroll
(1.94 MB - PDF)
19th Breakfast Debate - Paolo Dileno
(1.85 MB - PDF)
Cross-Border Cooperation cross-border public transport