Urban Poverty Wydarzenie 18-19Maj2017 2017 FEANTSA Policy Conference - The Fight Against Homelessness: Solidarity in Action, Gdansk, PL FEANTSA’s annual policy conference will take place in Gdansk on Friday 19 May 2017, with a series of events taking place on Thursday 18 May 2017, as…
Urban Poverty Wydarzenie 14-15cze2018 FEANTSA Policy Conference on future challenges for the homeless sector, Berlin The European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) is organising its annual Policy Conference on 14 and 15 June…
Urban Poverty Wydarzenie 21wrz2018 13th European Observatory Conference on Homelessness, Budapest FEANTSA’s European Observatory on Homelessness, the Metropolitan Research Institute Budapest and Shelter Foundation Budapest are pleased to announce…
Urban Poverty Wydarzenie 10-11gru2018 URBACT Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab URBACT is co-organising with FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless) the “Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab”…