Established in 2015, CONNECT University represents the flagship knowledge-sharing initiative of the European Commission’s Directorate General on Communication Networks, Content and Technologies (DG CONNECT) that aims to:
Inform the society about the top emerging technology trends, while ensuring that the ongoing digital revolution retains a human element (moving from Digital-as-a-service to Digital-as-society)
Present and promote cutting-edge technologies that are placed high on the political agenda, together with EU projects, with the scope to foster inspiration, identify current opportunities and threats
Ensure that digital become a systematic component of any policy, legislation or communication emerging from the Commission
The digital transformation helps us redesign our economy, make our industry more competitive and find new solutions to societal challenges. The role of digital has increased significantly, becoming part of the core priorities, and developing into not only an internal EU priority, but also one of the main vectors of the Union in its foreign relations. In the broader perspective of the European Union, digital's valences equate with future Union competitiveness, growth and jobs, security, diplomacy and the development of a more equitable, prosperous and peaceful world.
The fast progress in technology is increasingly reshaping the future of our European society. Therefore, this high speed of development requires access to reliable information in order to understand how present policy actions will ultimately have a positive impact in the longer run. CONNECT University is where disruptors from the world of technology come to discuss the future of digital. The project is a trademark for debates and policy advice, bringing together EU Institutions and Bodies, industry, academia, researchers to reflect on the upcoming opportunities and challenges in the digital age.