AI4EU Café: Linking Natural and Artificial Intelligence on the Web


The Speaker is

Fabien Gandon

(Research Director and Senior Researcher at Inria, France)

The link to register is


Initially, the Web was essentially perceived as a huge distributed library of linked pages, a worldwide documentary space for humans. In the mid-90s, with wikis and forums, the Web was re-opened in read-write mode and this paved the way to numerous new social media applications. The Web is now a space where three billions of users interact with billions of pages and numerous software. In parallel, extensions of the Web were developed and deployed to make it more and more machine friendly supporting the publication and consumption by software agents of worldwide linked data published on a semantic Web. As a result, the Web became a collaborative space for natural and artificial intelligence raising the problem of supporting these worldwide interactions. In particular, these hybrid communities require reconciling the formal semantics of computer science (e.g. logics, ontologies, typing systems, etc.) on which the Web architecture is built, with the soft semantics of people (e.g. posts, tags, status, etc.) on which the Web content is built. This talk will present some of the challenges and progresses in building this evolution of a Web toward a universal space to link many different kinds of intelligence.


Fabien Gandon is a Research Director and Senior Researcher at Inria, France. Fabien’s PhD in 2002 pioneered the joint use of distributed artificial intelligence (AI) and the Semantic Web to manage a variety of data sources and users above a Web architecture. Then, as a research project leader at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), he proposed AI methods to enforce privacy preferences in querying and reasoning about personal data. In 2004, having been recruited as a researcher at Inria, he began to study models and algorithms to integrate social media and knowledge-based AI systems on the Web while keeping humans in the loop. In 2012 Fabien became the representative of Inria at W3C and founded Wimmics, a joint research team working on bridging social and formal semantics on the Web with AI methods. In 2017 he established and became the Director of the Joint Research Laboratory between Inria the Qwant search engine. The same year he also became responsible for the research convention between the Ministry of Culture and Inria with a special interest for cultural data and applications. In 2018 Fabien became Vice Head of Science for the research center of Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée. Over the years and since 2002, Fabien also never stopped teaching Semantic Web and Linked data, and he has authored several Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on the topic.

AI Semantics ML Ai42020 AI4EUCafe AICafe AIWebcafe Artificial Intelligence Künstlicheintelligenz