eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 - The European Commission and 28 EU Member States will work hand in hand to deliver better digital public services to European citizens and businesses, based on your ideas and needs!

The European eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 was adopted by the Commission on 19 April 2016.

The Commission Decision to set-up an eGovernment Action Plan Steering Board was adopted on 1 August and the eGovernment Steering Board was thereby formally established.

The board will be composed of Member States' representatives responsible for their national eGovernment strategies and will be chaired by the Commission.

The main tasks of the group are:

  • to assist the Commission with the overall governance of the Action Plan;

  • to coordinate the effective implementation and monitoring of actions;

  • to assess and select newly identified actions for the entire duration of the Action Plan;

  • to advise the Commission on strategic eGovernment issues in the context of the Action Plan and suggest necessary adjustments to priorities, objectives and actions on the basis of the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the plan;

  • to foster the exchange of experience and good practice in the field of eGovernment and inform the Commission of the progress of Action Plan implementation in their country.

As soon as the members are appointed by their governments, we are looking forward to start working with them. The inaugural meeting of the board will take place in the afternoon of 28 September 2016 in Bratislava, Slovakia, on the occasion of the Digital Assembly 2016.

How does it work? How can you contribute?

On 2 June 2016, the Commission launched this online platform to provide a space for all stakeholders to collaborate and gather ideas for new actions and on how to improve eGovernment services in the EU. Based on the needs of citizens, businesses and public administrations (submitted on the platform) and the concrete proposed actions resulting from these needs, the eGovernment Steering Board will discuss which particular action may be included in the Actin Plan.

Proposals for action will be discussed by the Steering Board every 6 months. Information on selected actions, how they could be implemented as well as about their progress and results will be made available in due course on this online platform.

Please let us know what your issues, your needs and your ideas for actions are which could then be included in the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020. Thanks to your input, the assessment and selection of new actions will be taken forward.
