Launch of the analysis on the cross-border mobility in Gorizia, (Italia), Nova Gorica e Šempeter- Vrtojba (SLO) commssioned by the EGTC GO in the frame of the CB PUMP project

The project CB PUMP (Cross-Border Public Urban Mobility Plan), financed by the european initiative B-Solutions, is getting to the heart of its activities. A contract between the EGTC GO and an engineering company has been signed a few days ago. The company will be in charge to analyze the cross-border mobility in the area encompassing the three cities of Gorizia (Italy), Nova Gorica e Šempeter- Vrtojba (Slovenia) with the aim of collecting information for the setting up of a new cross-border service meeting the needs of the EGTC GO population as well as satisfying the rationale of a cost-benefit analysis.

The results of the analysis will set the stage for an agreement between the italian Region Friuli Venezia-Giulia and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia to decide upon the limits of the geographical area where the restrictions on the cabotage operations of the international regular services will no longer be applied (as laid down by the EC Regulation 1073/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for access to the international market for coach and bus services). In this way, the cross-border area of the EGTC GO three founding cities will be considered as a single urban area.      

The study, which will be finalised by the end of August 2019, is based on monitoring the flow of the vehicle traffic and of the passengers in the EGTC GO area as well as on developing a transport model taking in consideration the future mobility choices of the users moving along the trajectories identified. The study will be complemented by an analysis on the law and on the regulations at european, national, regional and local level so that the competent authorities may reach an agreement within the certain regulatory framework.


Further info on the project are available at:

Italy Slovenia public transport cross-border obstacles Cross border integration passenger services transport