CBPT study update: All case studies published!

The “Study on providing public transport in cross-border regions – mapping of existing services and legal obstacles” has developed 31 case studies which provide in-depth insights into cross-border public transport (CBPT) that was not feasible to include in the final report. Following the publication of the first set of case studies earlier this year, all case studies are now online! In addition to the case studies listed in our February post, you will find detailed analyses of:

Each case study touches upon the main aspects of the CBPT service’s development and provision, including analysis of:

  • the geographic context, showing how the service is embedded;
  • existing and potential demand for the service;
  • main governance and operational provisions for the service, illustrating the frequently specific arrangements;
  • obstacles hampering the service development or provision, and solutions to overcome these.

These case studies are an important source of information that can inspire stakeholders when searching for suitable CBPT development arrangements. Browse the publications to find out more!

The map illustrates the location of the 31 case studies and indicates their mode of transport.