Joint EU-US stakeholders outreach on Dual Use export controls


Virtual event


Following the successful first meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council in Pittsburgh on 29 September 2021, and in light of the Joint which recognizes the importance of effective controls on trade in dual-use items for protecting international security and supporting a global level-playing field - the EU and US will invite stakeholders to participate to an outreach event.

The Joint EU-U.S. Stakeholders Outreach event will provide an opportunity for experts from industry, academia and civil society to review and discuss, with representatives of EU and U.S. authorities, principles and areas for export control cooperation identified in the Pittsburgh Statement. Stakeholders are invited to submit inputs, questions and comments in advance to the event by using the Futurium online platform (EU-US Trade and Technology Council / Working Group 7 Export Controls). Participants will also be invited to share views during the event.

Lead participants

  • European Commission DG TRADE Unit F4 Technology and Security, FDI Screening
  • U.S. Department of Commerce - Bureau of Industry and Security's (BIS)
  • U.S. State Department
  • EU Member States Dual Use Export Control Authorities

Practical details

  • Date and time: Wednesday 27 October 2021, 15:30 – 17:30 (CET) - 9:30 - 11.30 (EST)
  • Venue: Virtual meeting
  • Registration: please REGISTER before Monday 25 October 2021 12:00 CET. Attendance is limited to 2 participants per organisation. Registered participants will receive a confirmation e-mail with further information on how to connect in due course. Any change of name should be communicated no later than Tuesday 26 October 2021 12:00 CET to
  • Agenda: additional information will follow on this page.

Useful information

export controls dual use