Urban Mobility Evenement 25-26okt2017 INTERNAL 4th Urban Mobility Partnership meeting, Brussels The 4th meeting of the Urban Mobility Partnership will focus on discussing the draft Action Fiches prepared by the Partnership's working groups…
Urban Mobility Evenement 27-29sep2017 CIVITAS FORUM Conference 2017, Torres Vedras, PT The annual event brings together the CIVITAS community from across Europe: hundreds of mobility experts, actors and stakeholders, all of whom are…
Urban Mobility Evenement 16-22sep2017 European Mobility Week 2017 In 2017, the European Mobility Week will be held under the theme of clean, shared and intelligent mobility, as encapsulated by the slogan 'Sharing…
Urban Mobility Evenement 05-06jul2017 The Future of Transportation World Conference, Cologne SPEAKERS: http://www.thefutureoftransport.com/speaker_list.php The Future of Transportation is a study and conference on the subject of What Next…
Urban Mobility Evenement 04-06jul2017 Mobil.TUM 2017: Transforming Urban Mobility conference, Munich Programme: http://www.mobil-tum.vt.bgu.tum.de/preliminary-programme/ Intelligent Transport Systems in Theory and Practice Conference:…
Urban Mobility Evenement 19-22jun2017 12th ITS European Congress, Strasbourg READ MORE: http://strasbourg2017.itsineurope.com/home/about-the-its-european-congress/ With the theme “ITS Beyond Borders” the 12th ITS European…
Urban Mobility Evenement 14jun2017 INTERNAL meeting of the Partnership on Urban Mobility, Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy, Hamburg Embedded in the 11th Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy, hosted by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature…
Urban Mobility Evenement 13-16jun2017 VELO-CITY 2017: The Freedom of Cycling Conference, Arnhem and Nijmegen Programme: https://www.velo-city2017.com/program/conference-program/ European Cyclists’ Federation’s Velo-city series of conferences is…
Urban Mobility Evenement 31mei2017 European Internet Forum - Future of Urban Mobility Breakfast Debate, Brussels Among other things the breakfast debate will focus on solutions to mobility challenges that cities are facing today: How can decision-makers help…