Investments in 5G Connectivity News Make sure to join the 5GSC Support Platform! The 5GSC Support Platform is a cutting-edge initiative designed to provide comprehensive support to stakeholders participating in the ‘5G for Smart…
Investments in 5G Connectivity Connect & Propose 5G for Smart Communities: Call for Tenders - FAQs The Commission opened a call for tenders for the creation of a Coordination and Support Action (CSA)online platform to assist…
Investments in 5G Connectivity News CEF Digital - first wave of projects selected for co-funding 5G connectivity infrastructures The first call for proposal under the CEF Digital programme, resulted into a portfolio of projects that will receive EU…
Investments in 5G Connectivity Bericht 5G on planes, Wi-Fi on the road: New Commission decision! Airlines will be able to provide the latest 5G technology on their planes, alongside previous mobile technology generations as the Commission updated…
Investments in 5G Connectivity News Workshop (Online): The Digital Transformation of the Evacuation Process in Passenger Ships The EU PALAEMON project and the University of the Aegean Information Management Lab | UAegean i4m Lab organizes on 24 November 2022, 14:30 - 16…