Do you want to improve collaboration models for the future of AI in Europe?

Do you want to improve collaboration models for the future of AI in Europe? 

Help us by completing the Survey for mapping collaboration models between Centres of AI Excellence and DIHs, recently launched within the VISION project. 

VISION is a Coordination and Support Action financed by the Horizon 2020 programme aimed to reinforce, interconnect and mobilise Europe’s AI community. In this context, the Consortium contributes and acts as a transversal enabler to make collaboration opportunities among Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and Networks of AI Centres of Excellence (NoEs) come to life.

This survey is your opportunity to help us shape the future of AI in Europe by improving collaboration between Industry, Academia and Public Administrations. Your feedback will be collected and used to guide further positive changes in this direction. 

We are keen to hear your thoughts in order to understand the current relations and collaboration models among AI Centres of Excellence and DIHs.


Click on the following link to access the survey: 


The survey should take around 15/20  minutes to complete. 

Please remember that this survey will remain open until the 12th of September.



Vision Survey on Collaboration models among AI Centers of Excellence and DIHs