The time to AI Standard is now and EU is needed for it.

Why the EU standard for AI is the best thing that we can do right now?

At the moment AI is rigged against European Union as we know it.  The biggest companies come from the United States, and they are very interested in to see that the coming international standard  is forming around their existing products. The US companies are very active on AI standardisation right now, and their interest is clear: creating an AI standard internationally, that support best the American industry for the expense of others.

China is also a major player in the field of an AI.  They have the best AI solutions and machine learning algorithms today (even if you ask from Americans), and in China has also some extraordinary advantages that almost no other country has: very relaxed surveillance law and a very large data-pools in their disposal for the AI development… and AI needs lot of data in order to be excellent.

European Union has been active on thinking of the dangers of an AI and trying to modernise the industry, but in here, there really hasn’t been any major development on AI itself.  Now there is a perfect opportunity to step up EU’s AI game and start to define how we are going to develop it in the future. Today EU version of the AI product may not be very attractive choice for a company CEO when he has to decide between the leading products.  EU standard as such may be a compelling reason to look at also European alternative.

A Good standard would define AI as a modular entity where also modules communicate in the standard way.  That would give to European industry the possibility to make only those AI modules that they are best at.  It would be very cost efficient and result to faster development in this field than we have today.

A modular structure would give us also some interesting choices in a multicultural Europe. For example, Language module could be chosen by each area where the AI is used.  Local laws may also differ in certain countries, so there should be a module for law also since we all want AI to be law obedient entity, don’t we?  

Artificial intelligence does have an affect into our lives with such an impact, that we really cannot think AI standardisation as a technical rehearsal any more.  We must adopt all the looming questions around it and form together so good model, that it includes also practices, laws, ethical questions and what we come up to in the future. Safety can be planned so that data access, logging, control and feedback can be reached only by the authorised personnel and data is anonymous for the GDPR. Neural models and quantum processing will bring the development to such a speed that the singularity is imminent, If we do not act now.  This really is the 11th hour for us, AI and of course for European Union.

In a global scale European Union is the best party that can make a real AI standard to happen.  Despite of all Our differences, we are Peace driven, multicultural, multilingual and we do respect human rights.  European Standard could be easily omitted to other areas also, like Asia and Africa , and that would widen our AI market significantly.

I really hope that the European Union doesn’t let this opportunity to pass by and it can make to EU standardisation office an initative of this matter and oversee the process.  There's a lot of good EU discussion ongoing already, so lets make the best of it.



Kai Salmela, AI Specialist  Robocoast R&D 

Artificial Intelligence standardization EU AI


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Geplaatst door azamat ABDOULLAEV op vr, 30/11/2018 - 18:01

How the European Commission is competing in the Global AI Race to help Europe stay behind China, USA and Russia, or why the EU is failing to become "a leader in the AI revolution, in its own way and based on its values".

Europe accounts for the largest share of top 100 AI research institutions worldwide. 32 research institutions in the global top 100 for AI-related research paper citations vs 30 from the USA and 15 from China.
Europe is home to a world-leading AI research community, as well as innovative entrepreneurs and deep-tech startups (founded on scientific discovery or engineering). It has a strong industry, producing more than a quarter of the world's industrial and professional service robots (e.g. for precision farming, security, health, logistics), and is leading in manufacturing, healthcare, transport and space technologies – all of which increasingly rely on AI.
Europe also plays an important role in the development and exploitation of platforms providing services to companies and organisations (business-to-business), applications to progress towards the "intelligent enterprise" and e-government.
But, as to "Artificial Intelligence for Europe", the EU risks losing out on the opportunities offered by AI, facing a brain-drain and being a consumer of solutions developed elsewhere. COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE
The EC has already wasted-invested significant amounts in AI, cognitive systems, robotics, big data and future and emerging technologies:
Around €2.6 billion
over the duration of Horizon 2020 on AI-related areas
(robotics, big data, health, transport, future and emerging technologies).
€700 million under Horizon 2020 + €2.1 billion from private investment
in one of the biggest civilian research programmes in smart robots in the world.
€27 billion through European
Structural and Investment Funds,
on Skills development out of which
European Social Fund invests,
€2.3 billion specifically in digital
PROJECT EXAMPLES, or where money wasting
Collaborative and augmented-reality system to increase work
satisfaction in smart factories.
Contribution: €4 million
AI techniques to predict maintenance of industrial equipment.
Contribution: €5.5 million
The project develops an
intelligent gardening robot
which can trim hedges, roses
and bushes.
Contribution: €5.4 million
Personalise and simplify public
e-services so citizens can easily
understand and interact with
their public administration.
Contribution: €3.6 million
Mobile robot that plants seeds
while workers monitor the
process from anywhere.
Contribution to all ECHORD++
experiments: €19.7 million
Civil robots support fire
brigades in search and rescue
missions to perform in harsh
Contribution: €3.8 million
Earth observation through big
data and machine learning to
forecast risk scenarios.
Contribution: €1.9 million
Automated sensors detect
possible dangerous situations
and accidents. The driver is
alerted and road safety is
Contribution: €6.2 million
Multi-lingual text and search
services that help people find
the most relevant medical
information available.
Contribution: €3 million
Transforming Transport
Data-driven transformation
which will solve urban
mobility issues, develop smart
motorways, proactive rails and
much more.
Contribution: €14.6 million
Data & eHealth
AI can recognise a cardiac arrest during emergency
calls faster and more frequently than the medical
AI can minimise wheel friction of a suspended train
against the track while maximising the speed and
impact and enables autonomous driving.

Beyond 2020 no radical solutions, but "upgrade, enhance and support".
Commission proposals under the next EU multiannual financial framework (2021-2027):
 upgrading the pan-European network of AI excellence centres;
 research and innovation in fields such as explainable AI, unsupervised machine learning, energy and data efficiency;
 additional Digital Innovation Hubs, world-leading testing and experimentation facilities in areas such as transport, healthcare, agrifood and manufacturing, supported by regulatory sandboxes;
 supporting the adoption of AI by organisations across all sectors, including public interest applications, through co-investment with Member States;
 exploring joint innovation procurement for the use and development of AI;
 a support centre for data sharing, which will be closely linked with the AI-on-demand platform to facilitate development of business and public sector applications.
Support for technologies and infrastructure that underpin and enable AI such as high-performance computing, microelectronics, photonics, quantum technologies, the Internet of Things and cloud.
Support more energy-efficient technologies and infrastructure, making the AI value chain greener.
The Commission will therefore facilitate the creation and operation of a broad multi-stakeholder platform, the European AI Alliance, to work on all aspects of AI. The Commission will also facilitate interactions of the Alliance with the European Parliament, Member States, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions as well as international organisations. The Alliance will be a space for sharing best practices, encourage private investments and activities related to the development of AI.
The European AI Alliance is aimed at AI ethics guidelines instead of AI itself, narrowly understood as "software or hardware systems that display intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and taking actions – with some degree of autonomy – to achieve specific goals".
With its 'Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan', China is targeting global leadership by 2030 and is making massive investments. Other countries, such as USA, Japan and Canada, have also adopted AI strategies.
In the United States and in China, large companies are significantly investing in AI and are exploiting large amounts of data.
Overall, Europe is behind in private investments in AI which totalled around EUR 2.4-3.2 billion in 2016, compared with EUR 6.5-9.7 billion in Asia and EUR 12.1-18.6 billion in North America
By 2025 the economic impact of the automation of knowledge work, robots and autonomous vehicles will reach between €6.5 and €12 trillion annually.

Geplaatst door Khalid CHOUKRI op ma, 03/12/2018 - 13:47

Dear kai, Colleagues

ISO (the International Standardisation Organization) has already a sub-committee on AI in which many europeans (including Finland) are actively involved; this is the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 42 (

Out of the 22 Participants, EU members are:

Austria (ASI)

Denmark (DS)

Finland (SFS)

France (AFNOR)

Germany (DIN)

Ireland (NSAI)

Italy (UNI)

Luxembourg (ILNAS)

Portugal (IPQ)

Spain (UNE)

Sweden (SIS)

United Kingdom (BSI) (I leave it here in case the Brexit does not happen:-)

So I am not sure we need another EU committee but rather organize ourselves so as to speak with one voice,


All the best

Khalid Choukri (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC 35 Chair; SC35 is about ICT accessibility and interfaces)