Legal & Technical Challenges of Explainable AI


Bouche à Oreille
11 Rue Félix Hap
1040 Brussels

The explainability of decisions adopted by AI is a growing concern as shown by the increasing stream of research on explainable AI (XAI) which aims to reduce the trade-off between explainability and predictive efficiency of AI algorithms.

As the new European leadership develops legislation for a coordinated European approach to Artificial Intelligence, this public seminar will debate whether the current EU rules imposing explainability of AI decisions are relevant and consistent with each other and if they should evolve to strengthen the explainability of automated decisions. 

This event will bring together key actors from the digital sector, including representatives from industry players, regulatory authorities, policy-makers, and academic experts, for an afternoon of stimulating discussions.

Speakers include:

  • Alexandre de Streel - Joint Academic Director, CERRE / Professor of EU Law, University of Namur
  • Lilian Edwards - Professor of Law, Innovation & Society, Newcastle University 
  • Janne Elvelid - Manager, Public Policy, Facebook 
  • Lisa Felton - Head of Data, Services & Consumer Regulation, Vodafone
  • Benoît Frenay - Associated Professor, University of Namur
  • Lorelien Hoet - Director, EU Government Affairs, Microsoft
  • Gianclaudio Malgieri - Doctoral Researcher, VUB
  • Pierre Senellart, Research Fellow, CERRE /  Professor, École Normale Supérieure
Law Artificial Intelligence AI xAI


Profile picture for user Luters-Thümmel
Geplaatst door Dace Līga Lute… op wo, 18/12/2019 - 10:24

Good morning, Lauriane,

is there a possibility for NGOs to participate at the seminar? 


Best regards

Dace L. Luters-Thümmel

European Women Lawyers Association