Call for applications: EGTC Awards 2020

The Secretary-General of the European Committee of the Regions invites the European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation to submit their applications for the 2020 edition of the award "Building Europe across borders" – Award for EGTCs.


What is the Award for European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation?

The European Committee of the Regions launched the European award named "Building Europe Across Borders" to recognise and give visibility to the best practice of a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) in Europe. This award is biennial, and 2020 marks its fourth edition.


In line with the CoR strategy to support the EGTCs, the objective of the award is to underline the role of these groupings as a lever for economic growth and job creation, environmental and nature protection, and as promotors of education, social inclusion, cultural heritage and European citizenship.


The award intends to recognize the concrete achievements of the existing EGTCs, showing the EU added value of this instrument and promoting them as examples for other groupings or similar cross-border, interregional and transnational structures.


Who can apply?

Only EGTCs established before 1 January 2019 can participate.

The establishment of the EGTC must have been notified to the European Committee of the Regions according to the EGTC Regulation.


How to apply?

The deadline for submission of applications is 17 April 2020. Applications received outside of this deadline will be considered as not eligible.


>The application form and additional information can be found on the CoR web site.

EGTC institutional matters