Information services for cross-border workers in European border regions

Final Report in English
(1.81 MB - PDF)
Final Report in French
(2.16 MB - PDF)
Final Report in German
(1.83 MB - PDF)
Final Report in Polish
(1.83 MB - PDF)

This is the Final Report of a project supported by the European Commission (DG Employment) and implemented by AEBR in 2012. It is available in English, German, French and Polish. The project focused on labour market mobility barriers for border regions, with more difficulties than central areas, but with opportunities across the border. The first phase focused on the collection and analysis of information and, in particular, which forms of advisory services for cross-border workers already exist in Europe, how they function and which results and perspectives exist for these information infrastructures. Based on the received information and the exchanges with experts, the activities in the second phase of the project focused on the elaboration of concrete recommendations and proposals for the improvement of advisory services for cross-border workers. These specific recommendations were addressed to political decision makers at European and national level. The third phase focussed on dissemination and communication of the project results. An Annex offers an overview of information services related to cross-border labour market in European border regions.

mobility Cross-border Labour Market Info-services for workers employment