Application for older adults in the PROMISS project diet trial

We, researchers from the Social AI group of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, have worked on an app for the PROMISS diet trial. This diet tracking app was specifically designed to help and stimulate participants (older adults) of the PROMISS project with their specific diet. Moreover, it includes gamification elements. For example, we added mini-games to let people playfully learn about the protein value of products. It is at TRL level 7: the prototype has been used by almost 40 participants of the trial for maximum 6 months. As the app is closely related to the diet, and integrated in the diet trial, we found that participants were very adherent to using the system. For around 80% of the time that they used the tablet (2 weeks – 6 months) they interacted with it at least once a day. An interview about the tablet application can be found here: Scientific publications on the design of the app can be found here: and

A scientific publication on the results can be found here:
