Urban Mobility News Let’s talk actions! Urban Mobility Partnership at EUROCITIES Mobility Forum in Prague, 25 April 2018 Contributing to a sustainable transition of Europe’s urban mobility systems is what the Partnership for Urban Mobility ultimately aims for. Around…
Urban Mobility News Partnership Urban Mobility presented during DG meeting on Urban Matters in Sofia, 20 April 2018 The meeting of the Directors-General on Urban Matters (DGUM) is the main coordination body of the Urban Agenda for the EU. The DGUM meetings are…
Urban Mobility News Joint workshop with Member States Expert Group on Urban Mobility, 13 April 2018, Brussels One of the Urban Mobility Partnership Coordinators (Frantisek Kubes from the Czech Ministry of Regional Development), supported by …
Urban Mobility News Urban Mobility Partnership meeting no. 6 in Karlsruhe: from actions to implementation On 7 and 8 March 2018, the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on Urban Mobility held its sixth meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany, in concomitance…
Urban Mobility Library Urban Mobility Draft Action Plan Please visit the section Action Plan for a detailed visualisation of the actions.