A warm welcome to new members!
We are thrilled to have you join our community of European SME Week event organizers!
As part of this group, you can access a wealth of resources to help you brand and promote your events under European SME Week. Here’s a quick summary of what’s available:
- Guide for ESW Event Organisers: Learn how to register, review, or cancel your events, and understand the validation and publishing process.
- Toolkit for Launching ESW 2024: This includes tips, templates, and links to our social media channels to make your communications seamless.
- Social Media Suggestions: Ready-to-use templates and guidelines for social media posts and paid campaigns.
- Extra Communications: Templates for reaching out to stakeholders, draft emails, and press releases.
- Visuals Toolkit: Includes ESW 2024 visuals, kitemarks, and guidelines.
All these resources can be accessed via Google Drive. If you need further assistance with your ESW campaign, please contact the ESW Secretariat at SMEWeek@loweurope.eu. We are here to help!
Please remember to submit your events to the Event calendar to give them more visibility. We look forward to seeing your events shine!
- Piesakieties sistēmā, lai varētu publicēt komentārus