Certification Platform

Time is due, would rather say overdue, for the EU (e.g.Futurium programme) to set up and manage an "EU store platform" to test, check and distribute apps in alternative to private vendors. This platform could also serve as a "certificator" for AI algorithms.



apps Certification algorithmic governance


Profile picture for user n002oz5m
Iesniedzis Juan Marcos Mervi Ot, 07/05/2019 - 09:16

need to pay to read the article ? :-(

In reply to by Juan Marcos Mervi

Profile picture for user npennise
Iesniedzis Elio PENNISI Ot, 07/05/2019 - 09:40


briefly, the article mentions the spate between Spotify and Apple whereby (apparently) Apple store is asking an added 30% price to subscribe to NON-Apple apps. In my opinion the ventilated idea for the EU to set up an independent Certification Authority to check algorithms could also be used to store and certify apps to be safely distributed on the open market. This hypotetical Authority could be partly self-financed by asking a small fee to download those apps.   
