Input request: Questionnaire for the requirement analysis of the European AI on Demand Platform!

Dear AI Alliance members,


The preparatory action for the development of the AI-on-demand platform Pre-PAI (funded under DIGITAL Europe) is currently busy carrying out a comprehensive requirement analysis for different stakeholder groups, mainly start-ups and SMEs, industrial sectors, and public administration. These requirements analyses will lead to an overall roadmap and plan to build and consolidate the AI-on-demand platform.


We would need your help to spread out and circulate the link to the questionnaires to the members of ADRA but also ask the 5 founding associations to circulate it to their members.


You will find below the link to the 2 questionnaires (depending on the type of stakeholder):



The team in Pre-PAI thanks you in advance for your help. The responses will be analysed in the last week of June in order to update the stakeholder's requirements. We therefore kindly ask you to fill out the questionnaire as soon as feasible.


Many thanks in advance!


AIonDemand AISME AIPublicsector