This online event will give participants the opportunity to gain understanding on how to look into combining different funding/financing sources, including public and private finance, to efficiently cover the financial needs for the implementation and operation of climate adaptation projects. The event will provide practical recommendations on which funds are best suited to be combined. Also, it will give an overview of best practices on combining them, from the perspective of different financing institutions. The event will draw from in-depth research conducted at European level and practical experiences from cities and regions who successfully did so in the past. The event is especially intended to help authorities that are on the implementation stage of the adaptation planning cycle (Step 5 of the RAST) to understand what type of financing institutions are more likely candidates to provide funds that can be combined together to finance their adaptation projects, and the suggested steps for doing so. Participating authorities are encouraged to invite representatives of their financial teams dealing with the implementation of climate related projects.
- Piesakieties sistēmā, lai varētu publicēt komentārus
Do please send details when confirmed. It looks very interesting.
- Piesakieties sistēmā, lai varētu publicēt komentārus
In reply to Do please send details when… by Shane Mc Guinness
Hi Shane and all. Please note that the date of the event was mistaken. The correct date is the 28th of November, it will be fixed in the system today.
Event details will follow shortly.
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