In ancient times there was the exchange of goods and services, until money came to the fore as a mean of exchange. Since then, for thousands of years it has existed in the same form and has become countless times the target of fraudsters for forgery, in order to they have the power that money offers. We see many illegalities in the name of money, sometimes small and sometimes big that have a bad impact on our society. It will have to evolve at some point in the near or distant future in a form where the specific illegalities will be impossible to be achieved, in order to be stabilized the society through the elimination of criminality – illegality.
In the deep future should there are only e-banking & NFC-RFID-QR code e-identifications & e-transactions through a sophisticated banking application, where the citizen will has access via biometric data such as the fingerprint & face scan and via a PIN for security reasons, and which will has safe artificial intelligence which will lock the banking application, if someone tries to hack it (break its code). NFC-RFID-QR code transactions must be able to function for online and offline payments (the system must count the money always, even online, even offline, in order to be able to become e-identifications & e-transactions with the use of e-banking & NFC-RFID-QR code technology, which will show the flow of money to the citizen, but & on the inviolable banking system, when the mechatronic device such as computer-laptop-tablet-smartphone will be online) through a mechatronic device such as computer-laptop-tablet-smartphone (which will be used such as the bank card) that will be scanned by a computer-laptop-tablet-smartphone through NFC-RFID-QR code technology, instead of simple bank card that is being scanned by a payment terminal (POS). Each smart mechatronic device (such as computer-laptop-tablet-smartphone) must act such as payment terminal that will read only the safe specific data that are needed for each occasion. At a second time, this specific banking application must absorb and all the governmental documents such as ID Card, Passport Card, Driving License, Health-Work-Insurance-Etc. Card, State Documents, Institutional Certificates, tickets of means of transport, etc. which must exist in an inviolable central cloud system, from where the microchip of mechatronic device (such as computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) will take the unique citizen-user number via an internet update, which will use sophisticated NFC-RFID-QR code technology & e-banking for use only of e-identifications, e-transactions, & e-provisions of support by the State for meritocracy, transparency, security & justice reasons through the data, such as e-behavior, & such as biometric data, geolocation & etc. Finally, the artificial intelligence of the banking application must be able to detects, records & decodes all the documents, email & social media messages, teleconferences, e-speeches, & e-searches on search engines for security reasons when it will be a must.
We don’t even need the POS. In the future, every smartphone should become a POS through an inviolable smart banking application, overseeing everything whenever necessary, through safe semi-automated artificial intelligence. The smart mechatronic devices are the best for this case and especially the smartphone, because has an e-archive on everything it sees, hears, etc., and which is geolocated and has for security the biometrics, PIN, OTP, etc. If it will be needed, e-archive can be and in another inviolable cloud, from where we will absorb data with safety. Imagine a central e-database (cloud) in the form of a genealogical tree, which will contains, with proper filing, everything that has to do with the life of citizen (documents, etc.), from which base, selected informations will be absorbed with the use of sophisticated NFC-RFID-QR code technology by NFC-RFID-QR code terminals, such as payment terminals (POS). Finally, only when the artificial intelligence detects bad e-behavior, it will signals the relevant authorities to monitor, so that each case can be clarified and there is justice for the elimination of criminality.
The system should have an electronic family tree style system with many branches. All files should be in electronic form and will be collected in the inviolable electronic file of the citizen, which will be on the cloud and which will contains the one and only number of the citizen. Every service should have an NFC-RFID-QR code tracking system-reader (terminal), in order to see the relevant data of the citizen, in order to proceed to the appropriate action [e.g., a policewoman/man, she/he should have a wireless RFID reader in order to see in real time if the perpetrator actually has the ownership of the mean of transport, if he/she has a driving license, etc. licenses and security for the mean of transport and anything else that will be related to the driver and the car, as well as the violations, as well as the fines for improper driving behavior & as well as etc]. It should be emphasized that for the security of the personal data of the citizen, each service should have limited access to the data of the citizen, more specifically, only in terms of the service sector. Every service from government service to public service (hotels, motels, supply chains & etc) will use the specific program on the cloud (with an entry of a code + code by mobile phone message) & NFC-RFID-QR code readers which will show them only the specific mandatory informations of the citizen for the use of service by the citizen.
In this case, smartphones will be mandatory because they will be for everything. They will use it at their arrival & at their departure at their jobs (they will use it to the NFC-RFID-QR code reader of their job) such as work card, they will use it at every transaction, they will use it at hospitals because it will be their health card with their health data, they will use it in order to drive because it will have the informations of the owner of the means of transport & of their driving skills – licenses, they will use it at all the mass means of transport as daily-weekly-monthly-yearly ticket, they will use it as a passport in order to travel, they will use it as ID for identification & they will use it at everything else that exists & it will exists. Each smartphone will contains all the data of the citizens in the e-file of the citizen on the cloud, from where will be absorbed only the relevant informations that needs each service for its use.
For security reasons, each smartphone must opens only after PIN plus Fingerprint for safety reasons. If the citizen will lost it, she/he will be able to do reset of its data through the internet or she/he will be able to find it in a record time through geolocation by the security forces such as police, which will identify it in a record time through its stigma.
Finally, it must be mentioned that the data of citizens must be saved into the data storage of citizens smart devices, in order to pass later all the data at the quantum computers and supercomputers via state-of-art external hard disks, in order to there is safe analysis of data by artificial intelligence and not a danger by connection of it to internet chain. It must be mentioned that the quantum computers and supercomputers with artificial intelligence must not be able to connect into the World Wide Web (Internet).
Source-Reference: D. Kayande, E. Rebello, S. Sharma and M. Tandel, "Overview of a payment solution for NFC-Enabled Mobile phones," 2016 International Conference on ICT in Business Industry & Government (ICTBIG), Indore, India, 2016, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICTBIG.2016.7892685.
By Chaideftos Chaideftos (by a Greek).

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