The tri-national competency centre TRISAN working for our "B-Solutions" project

An important step forward for our B-Solutions project for a better administrative cross-border cooperation of health insurance companies: We have found and chosen an experienced service provider for the systematization of the different cross-border problem cases and the creation of the action protocol. These are the TRISAN experts from the Euro-Institut in Kehl:

TRISAN is a tri-national competency centre that seeks to optimize transnational and cross-border cooperation through integrated projects in the healthcare field in the Upper-Rhine region. The primary objective of the competency centre is to structure and develop cooperation efforts in matters of healthcare through structuring cross-border networks, helping partners to structure their cross-border projects as well as knowledge production and knowledge management in the field of cross-border cooperation in the health sector. 

 More specifically, TRISAN …

  • Identifies opportunities to cooperate in the healthcare field

  • Assists healthcare actors in defining and structuring new cooperation projects

  • Develops synergies

  • Offers healthcare actors a platform to present their projects

TRISAN is a project co-financed by the INTERREG V A Upper Rhine programme. It stems from the collaboration of the AG health-care policy of the German-French-Swiss Upper Rhine Conference and the Euro-Institut. The main objective of the joint-cooperation in the healthcare sector is to encourage cross-border exchanges on health topics, with the aim to support or create stakeholder networks, to encourage the development of cross-border cooperation projects and to optimize cross-border cooperation on healthcare in the Upper Rhine. In order to strengthen this cooperation, the tri-national competency centre TRISAN was brought to life.

The plans for the INTERREG-Project were prepared in 2015 following the conference, “Health without Borders – Experiences and Chances in cross-border healthcare.”


Healthcare Upper Rhine PAMINA Cross-Border Cooperation b-solutions INFOBEST Pilot projects