VDMA priorities for WG 6

Below you will be able to find the VDMA priorities for WG 6, as laid down in our position paper called "the priorities of VDMA for the Trade and Technology Council between the EU and US":

1) The TTC should resist any calls to establish parallel structures in security-related export controls:

VDMA cautions the TTC against establishing any new bilateral structures that operate in parallel to existing frameworks, to which the EU and US are parties. A number of such international export-control regimes are already tackling this question (e.g. NSG, MTCR, Australian Group and WA). Hence, we do not see any appreciable benefits that a new bilateral working group can deliver.

2) Sanctions are the better tool for human-rights policy:

To tackle the misuse of technology and services for human-rights violations, export controls are not the appropriate tool. VDMA strenuously opposes the use of export control regulations (e. g. dual-use restrictions) to remedy human-rights violations, because this would render these regulations needlessly complex and unmanageable. To tackle human-rights violations, sanctions are the better and more manageable tool. To develop and formalize such sanctions, the TTC is not the right venue. This is primarily an issue of international relations, not of technology policy.