DIGITALEUROPE- Ten priorities for the EU-US Trade and Technology Council

See attached position paper, in particular Section 8. “A safer internet”:

 We welcome transatlantic discussions on how to help boost trust in the internet and provide clarity on the role and responsibilities of online intermediaries to address the problem of illegal and harmful content online. This is a global challenge which requires global cooperation.

Internet regulation is a balancing act between protecting fundamental rights, innovation and preventing illegal and harmful activities online. We believe the EU’s proposed Digital Services Act (DSA) struck the right balance by preserving the core elements which have allowed Europe to develop a vibrant internet economy. Maintaining principles such as limited liability and the ban on general monitoring is key to the continued innovation and growth of digital platforms in Europe.

We believe the DSA due diligence requirements and transparency mechanisms, if developed in a proportionate and workable way, will provide opportunities to enhance collaboration among all stakeholders leading to a safer online environment.

Desired outcome

Work towards a harmonised framework for content moderation, for example through a transatlantic exchange of policy makers.

DIGITALEUROPE- Ten priorities for the EU-US Trade and Technology Council
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