Join urban partners, programmes, and networks at this year's European Week of Regions and Cities Urban Corner

Every year, the European Week of Regions and Cities brings together urban stakeholders from all over Europe to discuss the latest developments relevant to regional and urban policy.

Next to a broad workshop programme, there is an exhibition area - the Agora - allowing participants to relax, interact and learn about current initiatives. 

The Agora will also feature an Urban Corner, a lively and interactive place for people interested in urban topics. In the  Urban Corner, representatives of the several urban networks, programmes, and initiatives will welcome participants and answer their questions. The partners are:

  • Urban Agenda for EU (Technical Secretariat and Partnerships)
  • Urban Innovative Actions (UIA)
  • Joint Research Centre (JRC)

The  Urban Corner will offer plenty of networking possibilities, games, and unique urban experiences - stay tuned!

Updates, including a detailed programme, will be published on this website soon. You can register to the EWRC until 28 September 2018.

Do you have any questions on the Urban Corner? Please contact the Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team via


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Brussels EWRC Eurocities JRC European Week of Regions and Cities UIA URBACT Urban Agenda for the EU URBIS Urban Corner UrbanCorner Agora