Urban Innovative Actions Jobs & Skills Capitalisation Workshop

William Mejia
Ateliers des Tanneurs
1000 Brussels

The first capitalisation and dissemination activities of the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative will kick-start with a workshop on the topic of Jobs and Skills in the local economy on 22 June 2018 in the Ateliers des Tanneurs, Brussels, Belgium.

With the projects funded in the first Call for Proposals now almost half-way through, it is the right time to start sharing the initial achievements but also lessons and learning points with a wider audience. The cities of Bilbao, Madrid, Milan and Rotterdam have started implementing their activities to bridge the increasing gap between the jobs generated by the leading sectors of the Next Economy and the skills available within their communities. Keen to discuss about their experiences and challenges, the cities and their experts have started working together to explore links and common aspects.  They have identified the following key questions which will be discussed in the capitalisation workshop:

• In the context of the Next Economy, how are cities developing place-based approaches to jobs and skills?

• How are city authorities evolving their roles as brokers in the approach to jobs and skills development?

• What can we tell about city approaches to talent management in these four projects?

• How important is industry clustering in these projects’ approaches to supporting the jobs and skills agenda?

The event is targeted particularly at members of the Urban Development Network and the Urban Agenda Partnerships, urban policy makers and city practitioners willing to learn from cutting-edge approaches and participate in informed discussions on the above questions.

An introductory framework paper providing further information on the projects and the key questions mentioned above will be available at the end of May on the UIA website.

Register to the eventhere.

For more information on the workshop click here or write to info@uia-initiative.eu

workshop urban development network Urban Innovative Actions