Call for applications: TAILOR opens Connectivity Fund to all European AI researchers

Connecting all of Europe’s top AI labs

The TAILOR network includes many of Europe’s top AI labs, and aims to reach out to the many other excellent labs and organizations across Europe to work together and create new breakthroughs in AI.

The fund will support young researchers to gain valuable experience and nurture the next generation of AI researchers.

Visit the page for more information


Great! Can I apply?

The connectivity fund is open to all European AI researchers. You should be able to demonstrate that you live in Europe and are active in AI through your publication record, or using other proof of involvement in AI research projects. You need a great idea to do excellent AI research, and have an invitation letter from your hosting lab. The focus lies on connecting TAILOR and non-TAILOR labs. Hence, you should be from a non-TAILOR lab and interested in visiting a TAILOR lab. Or, you should be from a TAILOR lab, and be invited by a non-TAILOR lab. Workshops can be hosted by either TAILOR or non-TAILOR labs, but only non-TAILOR attendants can receive funding.

Research Visits Goals

For research visits, TAILOR is looking for visits that help young researchers gain experience and world-wide recognition by working in excellent labs (scientific step-up). Ideally, the visit also brings in expertise from outside the TAILOR network (scientific influx) and/or align different European AI initiatives (scientific alliance).

Workshop Goals

TAILOR is looking for workshops that facilitate scientific exchange with the worldwide AI community to tackle big challenges in AI. Alternatively, TAILOR welcomes workshops aimed at providing a swift and coordinated reaction to unexpected developments, and to build bridges with other European AI initiatives.

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Scientific board ->


Deadlines any year: 15th March – 15th July – 15th November

TAILOR AIExcellence AIResearch EuropeanAI