Hear, hear! Enabling Conditions on AI in Europe: how to move from ambition to action?

Europe is a hub of top research talents in the field of AI, which shows its potential to take on a global leadership role in the development and use of AI technologies worldwide. Europe´s unique selling point globally is its ambition to develop human-centric, trustworthy AI products and services.

In order to realize this potential, it is necessary to bundle the existing forces and to cooperate purposefully beyond national borders. In short, the ambitions are there and now it is time to put them into action.

I am very pleased to discuss these and other “Enabling Conditions on AI in Europe” in a plenary session at the High-Level Conference on AI “From Ambition to Action” on 14/15 September in Ljubljana. The conference is structured as a hybrid event, and I will have a stellar panel of guests joining me on site and online. All of them are experts in their fields, carrying multiple perspectives and bringing their points of view on how to:

  • capitalise on Europe´s excellent research capacity and mobilise scientists to join forces and make Europe a powerhouse of AI;
  • develop an inclusive and competitive European AI community, that could help us implement an ambitious strategy for AI development and deployment and pave the way for Europe to take leadership position in trustworthy AI;
  • provide easy access to a world-class digital infrastructure including data, compute infrastructure and testing environments for AI talents (researchers, entrepreneurs, SMEs, startups).

The multiple backgrounds and experiences of my guests promise an exciting discussion.

Check this out:

  • Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, Spain - VIDEO
  • Jan Jona Javoršek, Head of Networking Infrastructure Centre, Jozef Stefan Institute- ONSITE
  • Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Member of the European Parliament- ONLINE
  • Yvo Volman, Acting Director of Data, European Commission- ONLINE
  • Jo de Boeck, Executive Vice President & CSO, IMEC- ONLINE
  • Antonio Krüger, Professor of Computer Science, CEO of the German Research Center for AI – ONLINE


Register and be there live:



On my way from Oslo – looking forward to (e-)meeting many of you!



Ieva Martinkenaite, PhD

VP Head of Analytics and AI, Telenor Research 

Snarøyveien 30, Fornebu/Oslo, Norway 

Tel.: +4746410838

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