Digital Infrastructures Renginys 15Vas2022 Backbone Connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Deep Dive & Matchmaking This online session will focus on the CEF Digital call for 'Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways' and will take place on 15 February -…
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Renginys 20Rug2022 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital info session: Backbone Connectivity for Digital Global Gateways This is an online informative event dedicated to the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital programme's call for proposals for ‘Backbone…
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Renginys 27Rug2022 2022 European Broadband Awards Ceremony On 27 September in Brussels (10:30-12:30 CEST), the European Commission will award the winners of the 2022 European Broadband Awards, recognising…
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Renginys 04Spa2022 Data Sovereignty in the Digital Decade – For a stronger digital Europe in the world Data Sovereignty: why and how the potential of data should be harnessed to fuel Europe’s Digital Decade and strengthen its global digital presence. …
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Renginys 21Rug2023 BEREC Workshop on international submarine connectivity in the EU On 21 September 2023 (09:00 – 17:30 CEST), BEREC will hold a virtual Workshop on international submarine connectivity in the European Union.In…