In today's digital age, artificial-intelligence-based algorithmic systems, such as search engines and recommender systems, are becoming increasingly prevalent and important. They determine the content we see on our social media feeds and help us filter the news that we consume. However, their inner workings often remain mostly a mystery to their users, including any possibilities for them to directly influence how they work.
That's where this session comes in. Together with CNECT, the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT) will contribute to a safer, more predictable and trusted online environment for people and business. We will go through how it plans to contribute with scientific and technical expertise to improve our understanding of how algorithms work, by analysing transparency, assessing risks, and proposing transparent approaches and best practices.
• ECAT – general mission and goals overview
• Introduction to challenges and complexities in achieving algorithmic transparency
• Recommender systems
• Search engines platforms
• Algorithm auditing
• PALTOGLOU Georgios, Policy Officer Unit CNECT F2 Digital Services
• PENA Alberto, Head of Unit JRC ECAT T.3 - Algorithmic Transparency
• GOMEZ Emilia, Team Leader JRC ECAT T.3
• PANIGUTTI Cecilia, Researcher JRC ECAT T.3

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