Evaluation of quality of cross-border cooperation and the influence of INTERREG

In March 2021, INTERREG project called “Crossquality” was launched. ITEM is the lead partner in this project. Together with RWTH Aachen, Université de Liège, Universiteit Hasselt and the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, ITEM will develop a methodology to better assess the quality of cross-border cooperation in the framework of the INTERREG programme Euregio Meuse-Rhine.

On 16 March 2023, the Closure Event took place, presenting the three reports that are produced, answering the questions: How to measure the quality of cross-border cooperation? What is the influence of Interreg on the quality of cooperation?

Research Report: This research project, called ‘Crossquality’ and conducted by researchers at the Universities of Maastricht, Aachen, Hasselt and Liège in cooperation with the EGTC Euregio Meuse Rhine, seeks to address this gap by developing a new methodology for measuring the quality of CBC using indicators and data to measure this quality in a more qualitative way. This research report is the academic background of the methodology, contributing to the body of CBC assessment literature.

Handbook: This document provides practical guidance on how to assess the quality of cross-border cooperation (CBC). It translates the academic background into a practical handbook for practicioners.

Final Report: This report is the third research output of the Crossquality Interreg project. Firstly, a comprehensive research report documented the scientific background of development of the methodology and its application. A second practical handbook for practitioners shows how to apply the assessment and illustrates the different steps with respect to programme analysis, expert interviews, expert workshops and surveys. In this third document, the results of the pilot application in the programme area of the Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine programme will be presented.

The project is aimed at developing and applying the methodology for a baseline measurement in the territory of the current Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine programme at the end of the 2014- 2020 programme period. The intention is to also apply the methodology in a structured way during the following 2021-2027 programme period as an option for other Interreg programmes. This pilot application is meant to be the benchmark for future projects. In 2021 and 2022, the Crossquality team carried out the assessment by approaching many Interreg experts in the cross-border territory, conducting interviews, organising workshops and producing a survey. In this report, the results for the Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine programme will be presented.

Find all reports here: https://euregio-mr.info/en/projects/crossquality.php 

CrossQuality Team during Closure Event
INTERREG Cross-Border Cooperation CBC Interact Expertise Centre ITEM