The „Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig“, Regionskontor & Infocenter

The cross-border region of Sønderjylland-Schleswig is characterised by a high number of commuters that cross the border on a daily basis for work reasons. Since 2004, Regionskonter & Infocenter offers commuters, firms, and political and administrative authorities relevant information and advices regarding cross-border labour related issues. 



Everyday about 15.000 people cross the border between Denmark and Germany for work.  It is common for individuals to switch between the two jurisdictions many times during their working lives. It is important to fully understand the impact of cross-border employment. This includes matters like having the right to equal treatment, access to healthcare and social welfare, and taxation. But there are other situations occurring along the border that require advice, like moving across the border or buying property on the other side, to name but a few.

The Regionskontor & Infocenter provides special advisory services to cross-border commuters and other people with border-crossing related questions since 2004. 



The Danish-German border region of Sønderjylland-Schleswig, covering the municipalities of Aabenraa, Sønderborg, Haderslev and Tønder on the Danish side and the Districts of Schleswig-Flensburg and Nordfriesland and the City of Flensburg on the German side. Though, the services are not limited to citizens or institutions from that specific geographical area, but they are offered to everyone as long as a German-Danish cross-border situation is concerned.



A staff of three offers advice by mail, telephone and in personal conversations on a daily basis from Monday through Friday. Furthermore, the staff travel to destinations like authorities, firms etc. to provide general and specialised information  for the purpose of the recipient. Additionally, a homepage is maintained to inform on all subjects of interest.

The Infocenter was originally an Interreg-III A project from 2004 to 2007. It is since financed by the participating partners mentioned above and the Region Syddanmark on the Danish side.



Since the launching of the initiative, the Infocenter has revealed to be a great success. The initial goal was to do 1.000 consultations from 2004 to 2007, but eventually over 8.000 consultations were provided in that timeframe. This positive outcome motivated the financing partners to continue the service with their own funding. As of today, 47.500 consultations have been conducted via phone, email, and in person, and more than 26.500 people have been reached during other events, such as conferences, presentations, round tables, and fairs.


More information is available here

good practices Infocenter cross-border information services Information services