Starting in April 2021, there is a new course available at the University of Porto, about digital health, active ageing, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Managed by the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Institute for Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS), this course aims at bridging the gap in digital health literacy by training future healthcare workers for their job, promoting entrepreneurship and health innovation, and updating health workers on their daily challenges.
Digital transformation is a trend in all sectors, but with a significant impact on health. From the usual sanitiser gel dispenser to apps that make early diagnosis and AI that chooses the best treatment for the patient, countless innovations come up on the market every day.
“Digital Health” won the “InovPed Course” contest, an initiative promoted by the Pedagogic Innovation Department of the University of Porto (InovPed), whose goal is to develop the institution interdisciplinarity and cross-skilling opportunities.
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