Circular Economy Library Summary of findings from classification on Urban Resource Centres This infographic highlights the key take away messages from the work within the partnership on the action "Promote Urban Resource Centres for waste…
Circular Economy News URBACT Action Planning Network UrbRec approved The Partnership is happy to announce that an URBACT Action Planning Network has been approved to further develop and implement the ambitions of the…
Circular Economy News Final report on European approaches to Urban Resource Centres available As part of the ambitions of the Partnership Action Plan, the working group dedicated to the action "Promote Urban Resource Centres for…
Circular Economy News The Partnership learns about circular economy initiatives in Oslo and continues discussions on the Action Plan during the 11th Partnership Meeting Day 1 Oslo hosted the 11th partnership meeting on the 28th and 29th March, initiating the two-day event with visits to recycling stations located…
Circular Economy News World Resource Forum - Partnership present to discuss re-use of buildings and spaces and urban resource centres The Partnership on Circular Economy will be present at next weeks World Resource Forum in Antwerp to discuss two of our actions in a workshop during…