Germany's EEPA 2024 national competition winners are announced

Germany's national preliminary jury has selected two exciting initiatives that will represent the country at the EU-level competition of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA): ReDI School of Digital Integration and Silicon Vilstal.

The ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit technology school that aims to facilitate the integration of refugees into society and the labour market. It offers free courses to both IT-affiliated ‘newcomers’ and locals to expand digital skills, as well as job training, mentoring programs and networking events.

Silicon Vilstal is a social economy cluster from Lower Bavaria. It promotes digitalisation and social innovation through formats such as the Social Innovation Hackathon, which features real-life labs for social start-ups, and the Silicon Vilstal Experience Festival, the largest rural innovation event in Germany.

The 2024 EEPA winner will be announced at the EEPA ceremony, which will take place at the SME Assembly 2024 in Budapest, Hungary, from 18 to 20 November 2024.

Read this article for an overview of the current national competition deadlines. For more information on Germany's national competition winners, you can read this article (in German).

Watch this space to learn more about other EEPA national competition outcomes as they unfold! 

EEPA Germany