How are  ERIC and  Multi-Country Projects connected to EUROHPC JU, EOSC and other EU-Member states- Industry partnerships and intitatives? IPCEIs as well, for example?

How are  ERIC and  Multi-Country Projects connected to EUROHPC JU, EOSC and other EU-Member states- Industry partnerships and intitatives? IPCEIs as well, for example? 



Inviato da Lavinia BIANCHI il Mer, 26/01/2022 - 13:57

Dear Viorika,

The development of new projects is being discussed with Member States and we are trying to identify projects that not only can bring added value, but that are also complementary and synergize well with existing projects. In our policy programme, we proposed a governance system through which we will discuss yearly the state of plat of digital policies, measures and actions, including MCPs. As soon as we have an agreement with the Parliament and the Council, this infrastructure will allow us to take stock and look across Member States and across subjects and projects, to analyse the contribution of different projects, maximise synergies and make sure the complementarity mentioned above is even more developed in the future.

I hope this answers your question. Best regards,
