Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030 – The way forward


In January 2023, the 2030 Digital Decade Policy Programme is entering into force.

The objective of this session is to present the initiative to the broad public, touching upon its objectives, main components, challenges and opportunities for European citizens and actors of the European digital ecosystem.

To do so, we will start with a brief introduction of the Programme, highlighting that it is the first ever digital strategy commonly agreed by EU institutions with a multilevel governance – a significant breakthrough after the Digital Agenda and the Digital Single Market. We will then proceed with an interactive panel between different actors to showcase its importance for various actors and at various levels (institutional, business, regional, etc.).



• General presentation on the DDPP (context, targets, MCPs, principles & next steps i.e., annual report, roadmaps) hinting to the coming first annual state of the Digital decade report

• Member State perspective

• Digital ecosystem perspective

• Digital Investor perspective

• Local perspective



o    Ms. Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director-General, DG CONNECT

o    Ms. Martina Dlabajová, Member of the European Parliament  

o    Ms. Laura Eiro, Director General of Data Department (Ministry of Transport and Communication of Finland) - Member State perspective

o    Ms. Alice Albizzati, Founding Partner of Revaia – Digital Investor perspective

o    Ms. Federica Bordelot, Head of digital transformation at Eurocities – Local perspective

Moderator: Lavinia BIANCHI, Moderator, Communication Officer, DG CNECT

CONNECT University on DDPP 2030
Background Note Digital Decate Policy Programme 2030 - CU Session
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DDPP Slides
(2.58 MB - PDF)
digital decade Digital Infrastructure DESI