Within the digital health industry, big data has a major role in accelerating scientific research, personalised medicine, early diagnosis of diseases and effective treatments. The analysis of medical data have brought crucial discoveries, allowing key stakeholders to develop new insights in the field. This session explored how big data is positively influencing patient care outcomes by using models of personalised medicine through the analysis of large datasets. The key driver of the digital revolution is data – watch the recording and discover more about its importance.
- Federico Milani, Deputy Head of Unit DG CONNECT G1 Data Policy and Innovation
Title of the presentation: Opportunities and Challenges of Data Analytics In Healthcare
Federico Milani is the Deputy Head of Unit of the Data Policies and Innovation Unit of CONNECT Directorate General. The unit supports the data economy in the Digital Single Market through policy initiatives addressing new and emerging issues (such as data sharing and brokerage, open data policies). The unit steers together with industry the data research and innovation agenda.
Federico Milani has previously worked as a project officer for making accessible European digital content since October 2001 and as Deputy Head of the Creativity Unit responsible for supporting the creative and culture industry sectors since 2008. Mr. Milani studies include a PhD in neural networks and intelligent systems, and a degree in electronic engineering.
Henrique Martins, MD PhD, Associate Professor at ISCTE-IUL, CLSBE and FCS_UBI, Independent Consultant
Title of the presentation: DigitalPoweredPatients: Digital Health & Digital Illness
Henrique Martins, has a Medical Degree, Internal Medicine Speciality a Master and PhD in Management, and is finishing his Masters in Law, studying Public Liability implications of AI in Health. He is a Medical Doctor and University Professor at a Medical School and two Business schools, teaching and researching in Digital Health, Leadership and Management education for Medical Students and Health Professionals. He is the past president of SPMS, Portugal's Digital Health Agency, where he led National eHealth efforts for close to 7 years, and the former Member States co-chair of the EU eHealth Network, the highest policy body on eHealth in the Union. He now works as an Academic, and on individual consulting projects in Digital Health (www.henriquemartins.eu).

Background information
This session is part of the CONNECT University Autumn School on Digital Health open for everyone. Check the full programme.
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